Men’s Stories

It's Time to Listen

Session Description

Have you ever felt that you didn’t quite “measure up” as a man? What if you were to step back for just a moment and ask yourself: “How many times today and in what ways did I hear “what men are like”? Think of the billboard advertisements, the social media posts, the meetings and conversations at work, the interactions of people on public transit, the messages above the urinals in public washrooms, the comments around your supper table and the playful joking with your buddies. And have you ever thought that “something just doesn’t seem quite right” about expectations surrounding what it means to be a man?

The good and hopeful reminder of this session is that underneath it all, we are all human. So while you have undoubtedly heard many times today that men are not interested in listening and are somehow incapable of sharing what’s going on in our lives, this session will invite you into a different way of seeing and experiencing “what it means to be a man”. Please join us if you would like to take part in a conversation in which men are welcome to be themselves. In other words, a conversation that invites you to see and feel what happens when men feel safe and free to engage one another as whole human beings. And

Takeaways from Men’s Stories: It’s Time to Listen:

Moderator Biography

David and his wife Karen moved to Edmonton from Ontario in 1989 to begin their “interesting” journey of raising 4 gifted, loving daughters. During the past 33 years as a sociology professor at The King’s University, David has enjoyed teaching thousands of students and collaborating with a wide variety of government and community organizations committed to understanding and bringing hope to boys and men. His Irish spirit is always moved by the sound of male laughter, and his research, writing and community work has long been informed by his sense that the boys and men in our lives will experience hope and well-being to the extent that we commit ourselves to listening to them respectfully, sharing with them openly, and showing our appreciation for them in all their diversity.


Harry Kuperus

I’ve been married for 55 years and have 11 grandchildren.  Throughout my life I have worked on a dairy farm and in diecast, as a pastor and chaplain, and have always enjoyed the comradeship and support of other men. My greatest joy is loving, caring for and partying with family, friends and neighbours.

Harold Roscher

Harold Roscher became Director of ENHC after a career as an  Electrician and received a degree in Religion and Theology at Taylor university in Edmonton.  Having the support of my wife and children I have entered a journey of rediscovering my Cree ancestry and learning to share the Creator’s  teachings with  the  broader  community in Edmonton. Strengthening community relations one step at a time.

Gurneet Baidwan

I am a 25-year-old undergraduate student, obtaining my bachelor’s degree in arts in my final year at the King’s University. I represent the Sikh religion and am an activate participant in the Sikh community. I have a love in sports, especially the NFL, NHL and NBA. I actively commit to many forms of self-care including working out, walks alone, mediation, warm baths and reading. My best friend is my American Bully named Sparky who is just under 1 years of age.  


February 7, 2022

Concurrent Keynote

45 minutes 
Plus Q & A

Moderator / Speaker

David Long