Men’s Groups: Creating Spaces for Men in a Busy World
Session Description
This panel discussion will talk about why it is important to create spaces for men to practice emotional fitness. We’ll hear from men who have worked in the field for a very long time.
Some of the questions we will explore include:
- What do we mean by creating spaces?
- What makes it difficult (barriers) for men to access support?
- What are some of the success stories around working with men during the pandemic?
- Who is not represented? Why are they not represented?

Nathan Foerger
Nathan is a registered provisional psychologist who has co-facilitated the Anchor Men’s Group at Momentum Walk-In Counselling for 8 years. As a counsellor, Nathan has worked with children, adolescents, men, and women at the YWCA Edmonton, Lurana Shelter, Families First, and at now his private practice at Landry Psychology. Nathan is also a program coordinator for Community Initiatives Against Family Violence.

Christian Guinez
Bio to follow

Rolando Hyman
Rolando A Hyman is the founder and operator of Therapeutic Intervention Psychotherapy Services and XY Spark that is a male support group that promotes healthy masculinity and offers support for men who struggle with mental health, relationship issues, grief and loss, trauma, anger management, addictions, and self-esteem. Rolando is a psychotherapist and author of the book, “Giving yourself permission to grow: Seven solutions for personal development.