Men and Grief

Dealing with Loss

Session Description

Grief is often something we don’t associate with Masculinity and when we do, there seems to be an expectation of stoicism, strength and frankly – fixing it, not suffering with it. Together we are going to discuss how that shows up in our lives and in the lives of those who support men who are grieving.

We are going to hear stories from men who have felt enormous grief and understand how grief showed up for them, how it felt to be isolated with the weight of what we were carrying and how the community around us was exactly what we needed to truly face our losses.

Jeff, Joe and Cheryl all share such unique perspectives on how men grieve that together in this intimate discussion, we hope you find a connection to not only their words but ideas and actions that can help you or the amazing men you support.


Jeff Perrera

Since 2008, Jeff Perera has been speaking to North America audiences about building bridges across differences, helpful versus harmful ideas of manhood, and men striving to be allies towards gender equity. Jeff started Higher Unlearning as an online space to share his written pieces, videos, and TEDx talks, exploring how Men can be a part of change by being the lesson in action.

Chy Salter-Roberts

Chy began her work in the field of loss and grief after the death of her fifth child, Bretton-Elijah Lucas. Without support in her small hamlet of Sherwood Park, Alberta, she and her husband Bill created a baby loss program called H.E.A.R.T.S.. Two years later, the death of their daughter Ciara-Rose Kennedi Roberts increased the need for family support and education and the BriarPatch Family Life Education Centre, a legacy project in memory of Bretton and Ciara, was launched. It was a labor of love to not only create support for their community but for their other children (Chelsea, Brady, Brodie and Chynna) who have grieved but also lived and loved in a healthy way.

In 2004, while at home with her growing family, Chy was offered a unique opportunity to manage the Expressive Arts for Grieving Children, Teens and Families at the Pilgrims Hospice Society in Edmonton. As she wasn’t looking for a job at the time, she felt this was a direction she was meant to move in to and she continues to feel honored on a daily basis to work in a community based, family focused hospice. Now the Director of the Grief Support Programs, she strives to provide education and support to all those who are grieving the loss of someone they love. She is inspired to be part of this community and to watch people grow from their own personal journeys.

To balance her grief work, Chy loves to write, practice yoga and listen to her music loud while on the treadmill, create eclectic art in her studio, spend time with her noisy but amazing family, travel to her favorite island on the West Coast with Bill (and no kids!), and go for long walks in the woods on their property out in the country. She hopes one day to master the art of gardening but for now has fun becoming grounded with the Earth while she “experiments” with plants and dirt that don’t always cooperate

Joe Roberts

Joe Roberts aka The Skidrow CEO is an expert on resiliency and change. Having experienced both catastrophic failure and extraordinary success Joe teaches how to overcome the roadblocks that get in the way of high performance. He helps companies and individuals redefine what’s truly possible by confronting limiting mindsets. Participants at Joes’ events leave inspired and moved to action.

 What is most amazing about Joe is that in 1989 he was living on the streets of Vancouver as a homeless skid row addict. Through perseverance, determination and his resilient human spirit, Joe pulled himself out of darkness and despair, to become a highly respected business and community leader.


February 10, 2022
6:30pm MT

Concurrent Panel

45 minutes 
Plus Q & A


Sarah Hines

Sarah Hines has spent over 20 years serving those at the end of life and also supporting many families journey with grief. She has built this foundation of care on really three pillars: Death belongs in the hands of love, Grief is a skill we learn and will tend to for the rest of our lives and that community needs to be at the core of this healing..

She has integrated her life experience with learnings from The Grief Recovery Institute, the Orphan Wisdom School, Mental Health & Trauma Care Certifications, and from her Death Doula Accreditation to bring together the core mission of Grief Advocacy.

To meet people where they are.

That by meeting people where they are we can not only heal as a community but also rebuild foundations of trust, together. We are deeply rooted in the understanding that grief is something we tend to through caring for ourselves, our community and our passions. We are the keeper of stories, the rough road companions and we will always remember.

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